We cordially invite you to invest in the 2017 Mine Ventilation Symposium to be held in Golden, Colorado, USA June 17-21, 2017.
To establish a sponsorship, please visit the website at: http://sponsor.csmspace.com. For more information about sponsorships, please send an email to Learn@mines.edu at any time. Sponsor support is available in three levels (other levels will be considered; please contact us for more information).
Sponsorship Levels
$5,000 Platinum Sponsor
Benefits include:
- Logo on posters displayed prominently throughout the course in the main hall, reception and meal areas
- Logo on Symposium program
- Logo on Symposium website
- Literature (provided by sponsor) inserted in attendee packets
- Two complimentary Symposium registrations
$2,500 Gold Sponsor
Benefits include:
- Logo on posters displayed prominently throughout the course in the main hall, reception and meal areas
- Logo on Symposium program
- Logo on Symposium website
- Literature (provided by sponsor) inserted in attendee packets
- One complimentary Symposium registration
$1,000 Silver Sponsor
Benefits include:
- Logo on Symposium program
- Logo on Symposium website
- Literature display during Symposium